Dos and Don’ts of Self-adhesive Cementation
Taking a closer look at RelyX Unicem, or any material for that matter, can help you understand why certain rules need to be followed. To help get your started, here are some quick “dos” and “don’ts” for self-adhesive resin cements. Keep in mind that these are general guidelines – the materials you use have their own unique chemistries and may have their own rules. Make sure to read any instructions thoroughly and take the time to take a closer look at chemistry. To start, make sure to align with your dental technician and clarify which restorative material is being used and whether or not it’s been pretreated. While they may seem obvious, these factors can impact your cement, the restoration and ultimately the strength of the bond. For example, silicate (glass) ceramics require a different pretreatment protocol than oxide ceramics (zirconia). In addition, make sure to clean the restoration
after try-in, otherwise saliva or other contamination could hinder the cement. Use alcohol or sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) and avoid peroxide or phosphoric acid, as they can affect the monomers in the cement. In the same vein, avoid cleaning with bicarbonate or calcium carbonate powders. Both powders are basic, which can prematurely neutralize the acidic monomers and reduce bond strength. While the restoration is important, don’t neglect the tooth surface – teeth should be mechanically cleaned with pumice paste. NOTE: For more details, check out our summary
Overview of Existing Pretreatment and Cementation Workflows. In addition to the chemistry of your material, take a look at its moisture needs. While in general it’s important to neither under-dry nor over-dry the tooth structure, some materials – such as RelyX Unicem – actually require a slightly moist environment. Too dry, and you can negatively affect the bond strength.