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Fast, effective surgical solutions to fight SSIs

Our solutions are designed to help reduce the risk of surgical site infections (SSIs), optimize workflows and lower costs, so you can focus on what matters most, patient-centered care. 

Surgeon in blue scrubs wearing loupes with overhead operating room light.

Enhance surgical outcomes with evidence-based solutions 

When it comes to protecting patients, we’re on the same team. You’re at the forefront of care, and we’re here to help you reduce the risk of preventable complications like surgical site infections (SSIs). Why? Because SSIs take a tremendous toll on patients, healthcare professionals and facilities. Therefore, it’s important to take steps to help reduce your patient’s infection risk factors.

Choose from a variety of evidence-based surgical solutions to help you mitigate the risk of SSIs, protect patients and staff and improve outcomes — for every patient, every time.

SSLs occur in 2-5% of all impatients1

SSI results in LOS of 7-11 days and SSI patients are approximately 5X as likely to be readmitted2

A single SSI can cost up to $60k per patient3

Maintain normothermia with our forced-air warming solutions

400M+ patients warmed globally with 3M™ Bair Hugger Warming System

Monitoring and maintaining your patients’ temperature during surgery can be challenging, but you don’t have to do it alone. We’ve developed a comprehensive range of 3M™ Bair Hugger™ Temperature Management Solutions to help you measure, monitor and maintain your patients’ core body temperature before, during and after surgery.

With our warming system and temperature monitoring system behind you, you can aid in maintaining normothermia, and help prevent your patients’ core body temperature from falling below the normal range, which can reduce the risk of surgical complications.

Bair Hugger Photo Shoot Image 11 - TIF File

Surgical skin preparation solutions

Your first line of defense

Every day, you work to combat the risk of SSIs and other healthcare-acquired infections (HAIs) in your operating room. As your trusted partner, we’re committed to supporting you with high-quality surgical supplies to help you perform at your best and improve patients’ lives — one surgical procedure at a time.

From skin and nasal antiseptics to surgical skin prep antiseptics, we have evidence-based solutions to help you protect everyone in your facility, minimize cross-contamination and reduce the risk of SSIs and HAIs.

Dual action waterless surgical scrub for SSI prevention 

Avagard CHG Dispenser on the wall, application, female, nurse, doctor, trifecta

#1 surgical hand antiseptic in U.S. hospitals5

The 3M™ Avagard™ (Chlorhexidine Gluconate 1% Solution and Ethyl Alcohol 61% w/w) Surgical and Healthcare Personnel Hand Antiseptic — a waterless, brushless surgical scrub and hand antiseptic — is designed to empower your staff with a hand antiseptic to help reduce the risk of contamination, save valuable time and reduce costs.

You can trust Avagard Surgical Hand Antiseptic — the only FDA NDA-approved surgical hand antiseptic — to help:

Provide persistent antimicrobial protection
Proven to suppress microbial regrowth for up to 6 hours. It contains two active ingredients, alcohol for rapid kill and Chlorhexidine Gluconate for persistent, cumulative activity. 

Moisturize hands and promote compliance
Combat dry hands with cosmetic grade emollients to help prevent dryness, all while being gentle on skin and ruthless on bacteria.

Improve skin health
Protect and maintain skin integrity and enhance skin hydration. 

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  1. Smyth ET et al. (2008) Four Country Healthcare Associated Infection Prevalence Survey 2006: Overview of the results. Journal of Hospital Infection; 69:230–48.
  2. Canadian Surgical Site Infection Prevention Audit Month Report. Retrieved from 
  3. Anderson DJ, et al. Clinical and financial outcomes due to methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus surgical site infection: a multi-center matched outcomes study. PLoS ONE. 2009;4(12):e8305. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0008305.
  4. 3M Data on File. EM-05-014815. 
  5. Global healthcare Exchange (Q32013). i. video.