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To access authorized information on the Client Support Website & Health Care Academy, you will need a support account. Your support account must link to your organization/facility using your organization's site ID. The site ID (organization) is what allows you to see content licensed by your organization on the Support Website & your HIS Health Care Academy course catalog. The following link will provide detailed instructions on setting up that account.

Business hours are Monday–Friday, 7:30 AM–8:30 PM Eastern

During those hours, dial 1-800-367-2447. Simply state what product you’re calling about and you will be connected with an appropriate Client Support Analyst. 

Support outside of business hours is provided only for emergency needs that meet the definition of Severity Level 1. Please note that to get emergency support, you must place a phone call, tickets created via web are not monitored during non-business hours. To access after-hours support, call 1-800-367-2447 and state the product you are calling for. Depending on the product, you will be routed to an analyst or to a voicemail to request a response from the on-call analyst. 

Details on these procedures can be found on the client support site.

You can submit a ticket via the support website at any time. Click the link at the top of this page labeled “Submit a Support Ticket.” This link can also be found when logged into the support website under “Contact Us” at the top of every page. Keep in mind that to get attention for a Priority 1 problem after hours, you must place a phone call.

Detailed instructions can be found on the client support site.

  • Site number and facility name
  • Your name, telephone numbers and email address
  • Specific product, such as 3M™ Coding and Reimbursement System, 3M™ 360 Encompass™ System, 3M™ Health Data Management System, etc.
  • Software version/release number (if known) and the database (if applicable) in which the problem is occurring, such as Version 3.0, TEST database, etc.
  • Hardware platform, such as PC, mainframe, etc.
  • General description of the problem as completely and concisely as possible
  • Any error messages and what application was being used when the problem occurred.

If you want to stay informed about content on the Client Support website, you can subscribe for notifications. Subscription options are listed below.

  • Software update notifications. We notify you about software updates, HotFixes, planned regulatory content, and release schedule changes.
  • Content type notifications. We notify you about new or updated answers in our knowledge base. This is the best option for monitoring specific types of answers such as KPIs or product documentation. You must set up a subscription for each content type and product combination you want to monitor.
  • Answer notifications. You can subscribe to individual answers and get notified when there are updates.
  • Direct email Preferences. We notify you about marketing and training information, webinars, news and upcoming events. By default, you are opted in for these emails. 

Click below to learn how to subscribe for notifcation emails and details of the different notification options.

You can see a list of all the products licensed by your organization.

  1. Log in to the Client Support website (
  2. Click on your username, then select Organization Dashboard
  3. On the Organization Dashboard, select the Licensed Products tab

On the Support website, once logged in, you can click on your username and go to the Organization Dashboard to see a list of all the tickets submitted by users in your organization. The list includes tickets submitted online and tickets created when someone calls our support team on the phone.  You can also see other metrics related to your support tickets.

  1. Click on your username then select Organization Dashboard.
  2. Click on a ticket to see summary details.
  3. Click View Thread to see full ticket details.

Severity level 1 — Critical impact

  • Technical: Critical impact problem with system down, business outage or immediate work stoppage that threatens current and future production.
  • Operational: Critical customer issues that put the customer at risk for loss of business due to ongoing, unresolved service issues or issues previously communicated, but not recorded or addressed in a timely manner.

Severity level 2 — High impact

  • Technical: High-impact problem where production is proceeding, but in a significantly impaired fashion; a problem with a time-sensitive issue important to long-term productivity that is not causing immediate work stoppage.
  • Operational: High-impact issues with document delivery, turn around, quality, changing work types on a document or other service related issues that have a major customer impact. This could also include payroll related issues or contract issues.

Severity level 3 — Moderate impact

  • Technical: Moderate-impact problem that is an important issue but does not have significant current productivity impact.  
  • Operational: Moderate-impact problems that are important, but not a major issue that can be resolved in a 24-hour period. This would include issues with document delivery, turn around, quality, edits or other service related issues that have a moderate customer impact.

Severity level 4 — Minor impact

  • Technical: Minor inconvenience requiring ultimate, but not immediate resolution.  
  • Operational: Minor customer inconvenience impacting some reports, but not all.  This would include items such as dual signature issues, adding a physician standard, minor edit, or other minor service related issues. 

Severity level 5 — Enhancements, product defects, work requests

  • Enhancements, product defects and work requests.

Solventum HIS Learning Nexus

The Solventum Learning Nexus allows customers to connect 24/7 to online courses, forums, FAQs, resources, and more based on your facility product license with Solventum.

A woman wearing headphones smiling while looking at her laptop screen.

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Monday - Friday
7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. CT

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