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Consulting and outsourced services across the continuum of care

Revitalize your revenue cycle program with people, process, and technology. Together, let’s find every opportunity to meet your greatest goals — and a course to get there.

A man and woman looking at a laptop and smiling while the man points to something on the screen.

CDI improvement: Overcome performance impasses

Our consulting and advisory solutions help you rejuvenate and optimize your CDI program, enhancing documentation accuracy — leading to better quality, patient and finance outcomes.

A trophy with a star on it.

Advanced benchmarking and reporting: Map a path for success

Compare your past and current performances to show successes and find areas that need improvement. For more clarity, discover how your organization measures up against others.

A profile of a head with intertwined arrows on top.

Regulatory and compliance: Achieve it from the start

Stay in step with changing regulations. Get insight into missed revenue opportunities due to inaccurate coding, pinpoint and address gaps in processes, training and compliance risks and more.

A person with a clipboard.

Top-notch staffing solutions for now and from now on

Relieve short- or long-term staffing shortages. Train your staff with our knowledgeable consultants or outsource to our credentialed coding and CDI experts to meet quality assurance requirements and program performance goals. 

A community of people.

From below par scores to winner of Client Experience CDI Team of the Year

Discover how advanced CDI and consulting services spurred Roper St. Francis Healthcare to record-high quality scores in just six months.

The powerful resource as unique as your facility: Our people

As pioneers in the healthcare industry, we continue to innovate and expand what we offer to best partner with you. Our programs are conducted by consultants, advisors and physicians who share a deep well of knowledge to empower your teams and clinicians toward optimal performance. And our outsourced staff arrives with the skills to elevate your productivity on day one. We’re grateful for every opportunity to contribute to your vital mission: To deliver lifesaving care.

Leading the way to quality outcomes

Free webinar series

The Quality Webinar Series is focused on crucial issues facing CDI managers and directors, as well as HIM and Quality directors. These webinars provide expert insights to hospitals that may find themselves at risk on key quality measures.

A smiling woman wearing headphones while watching a webinar.

Additional resources

Inside Angle blog posts and podcasts

Want to dive deeper into important healthcare topics? Stay informed and discover what our community of industry experts has to say.

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