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Director of state regulatory affairs
Dawn Weimar

About the author

Dawn Weimar

Dawn Weimar has 30+ years of experience in analyzing and designing bundled payment policy, care/disease management programs, and wellness strategies for commercial and state Medicaid plans. She joined Solventum in 2019 to guide Medicaid programs and policymakers toward health system transformation including value-based payment, bundled payment, and rate-based quality outcomes. Dawn has held various executive level and consulting positions in which she implemented and maintained APR-DRG payment policy; designed and implemented care management systems and services; led analytics; collaborated with actuaries on care management outcomes and ROI; and led client experience and business development. She is the primary Solventum contact for Medicaid programs in the western U.S, Alaska, Hawaii and Wisconsin (where Dawn resides and worked as a pediatric nurse for children with special health care needs).