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A new year means it’s time to make way for new insights and ideas from the Inside Angle podcast. Before you watch the ball drop, listen back to your favorite episodes from 2024.

Sepsis education, preventive care and denials management” by Diana Ortiz and Mary Bourland

How can organizations break down silos between teams like revenue cycle, clinical documentation integrity (CDI) and finance to address sepsis and other denials? Dr. Mary Bourland of Mercy Health talks about the outcomes her organization has achieved.

Is AI the new mother of invention?” By Juggy Jagannathan and Robert Plotkin

Artificial intelligence (AI) tools have revealed a world of ideas for new devices, vaccines and other inventions, but are those creations unpatentable? Robert Plotkin dives into the nuances surrounding AI and invention and how these tools are revolutionizing discovery as we know it.

Reclaiming breathing room with ambient technology” by Travis Bias and Brandon Arruda

What can help alleviate burnout and give providers some breathing room back? Brandon Arruda shares how ambient technology has transformed his interactions with patients and how clinicians across the globe can use it to create more time to care.

How can we harness social determinants of health data?” By Melissa Clarke, Lauren Riplinger and Priya Bathija

You may be familiar with social drivers of health (SDoH), but do you know how they are documented and shared as part of the medical record? Get answers from Lauren Riplinger, JD, and Priya Bathija as they describe what health systems are doing to record SDoH and ideas for how we can do more.

Are you excited to find out what is in store for the podcast in 2025? Make sure to subscribe to receive all things Inside Angle!