As discussed in the article, “
To post or not to post? Deciding how to restore a root-canal treated tooth,” a post-and-core build-up procedure using a glass fiber post can be a suitable treatment option for restoring root-canal treated teeth. However, in order to achieve predictable and long-lasting results, it’s important that all the different steps of the treatment protocol and luting process are performed correctly. When preparing for a post, select the widest root canal – and take care to not overprepare or enlarge the canal. Make sure to leave at least 4 to 5 mm of gutta percha as an apical barrier and ensure the post preparation diameter is smaller than one third of the root diameter. The post should preferably be as long as the crown and, in case of periodontal breakdown, at least half the length of the root still supported by bone to distribute stress and decrease the risk of fracture.