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3M™ Advanced CDI Transformation Program

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Physicians document to improve patient care, but they can really use “one-and-done” documentation. Solventum can help physicians keep their focus on patients by simplifying complex documentation requirements.

Regardless of where the care is given, who the payer is, which payment methodology is used or even the length of stay, the 3M Advanced CDI Transformation Program helps health care organizations build a clinical record that is complete, accurate and compliant.

Product details

Provides a physician-focused CDI program to drive accurate quality profiles, reimbursement and data analytics

Expands the scope of CDI to reach all payers, care settings and lengths of stay

Automates worklists and queries to simplify the query process

Value-based care in a (still) fee-for-service world

As hospital CFOs and CMOs move to value-based care, they must still consider their current fee-for-service reimbursements and also focus on quality scorecards.

Current clinical documentation improvement (CDI) programs seldom account for the complete opportunity for improvement. Generally speaking, these programs do not look at all payers, mostly focus on inpatient visits, and many only review cases for inpatient stays longer than two or three days.

With an expanded CDI program, a health system can build an accurate reflection of its quality. Documentation errors and gaps undermine your efforts to prevent readmissions and complications, and in turn all of these factors are impacted:

  • Metrics for the core measures
  • Patient safety indicators (PSIs)
  • Pediatric quality indicators
  • Hospital-acquired conditions (HACs)
  • Potentially preventable complications (PPCs)
  • All-cause readmissions and potentially preventable readmissions (PPRs)

The bottom line: Accurate documentation should be a top priority

Put the 3M Advanced CDI Transformation Program to work

3M Advanced CDI Transformation offers a new path for long-term, sustained improvement. It is physician-driven and expands an organization’s reach to all payers, all care settings, and all lengths of stay. It helps drive complete documentation to meet regulatory and quality requirements.

In essence, Solventum’s vision for advanced CDI means:

  • Every record is reviewed automatically by the computer
  • Communications continuously improve between CDI, quality, coding, physicians and other administrative staff
  • Prioritized worklists of records are flagged by the computer for manual review
  • Automated queries are sent to physicians within their EHR workflow with easy methods for responding and automatically updating the medical record

CDI driven by and focused on physicians

When physicians are fully engaged in a CDI program, the odds of the program’s success increase dramatically. Starting with the discovery phase of a 3M Advanced CDI Transformation Program engagement, Solventum's consulting team works directly with health system physicians.

Solventum has physician consultants who can stay with the CDI project to help maintain the continuity that drives sustained improvement. Solventum consulting and software tools help physician champions and department leaders manage change and identify specific issues unique to their organization.

What results can health care providers expect?

For starters, an accurate reflection of their patient case mix, increased CDI productivity from computer-automated queries and worklists that pull out only those cases that need review.

Add to this better visibility into the progress of both hospitals and individual physicians, as quality profiles and scorecards improve and penalties—such as HACs and preventable readmissions—decrease.

Realize a return on your consulting investment

Implementing an advanced CDI program might seem too big to handle. With the 3M Advanced CDI Transformation Program, many clients can realize a return on their initial investment large enough to sustain future investments. Ongoing annual ROI results can create capital for patient care and quality initiatives with a less direct return-on-investment.

Solventum can implement software and services to meet your priorities and create a continual improvement model without additional external funding. The 3M Advanced CDI Transformation Program can be adjusted and enhanced as advanced CDI itself improves and as regulatory changes inevitably occur.

