About the product
This product is made by molding activated carbon into a cartridge type that is easy to handle. It combines two types of activated carbon with different characteristics: fibrous activated carbon with high adsorption speed and granular activated carbon with large specific surface area, which provides excellent flow, adsorption capacity, and service life.
Brand |
Zeta Plus™ |
Category Name |
Category Name
Cylindrical Depth Filter Cartridges |
Product Series |
Product Series
Activated Carbon |
Partner name | Primary contact - Email | Primary contact - Phone | Website |
Eggelhof Incorporated | bellis@eggelhof.com | 832-301-0966 | https://www.eggelhof.com/ |
King Filtration Technologies, Inc. | jim.seidel@kingfiltration.com | 314-452-4789 | https://www.kingfiltration.com/ |
Rawson | mike.mercier@rawsonlp.com | 404-281-5704 | https://rawsonicd.com/ |
Danner Associates | bdanner@dannerassoc.com | 781-982-7020 | |
Ryan Herco | blucas@rhfs.com | 612-889-9248 | https://www.rhfs.com/ |