About the product
The 3M™ PICC/CVC Securement Device + Tegaderm™ I.V. Advanced Securement Dressing is a sutureless securement system that provides reliable PICC/CVC securement without sacrificing patient comfort. It includes an adhesive catheter securement device plus an IV securement dressing to help you avoid the clinical, financial and emotional costs of PICC/CVC complications, including needlestick injuries.
Designed with clinicians and patients in mind, the 3M™ PICC/CVC Securement Device + Tegaderm™ Advanced I.V. Securement Dressing is an ideal alternative to sutures. The system is easy to apply and provides secure adhesion, site visibility, long wear time and gentle, one-handed removal with minimal to no adhesive residue left on the skin. Thanks to its unique silicone adhesive, you can reposition the catheter securement device to optimize placement without losing adhesion.
Together, the stabilization device and IV securement dressing promote patient comfort and mobility, are designed to be worn for up to 7 days and can fit the majority of single, double or triple-lumen PICC and short-term CVC catheters up to, and including, 12 French.
Suggested Applications
Brand |
Tegaderm™ |
Overall Length (Imperial) |
Overall Length (Imperial)
4.53 in, 6.1 in |
Overall Width (Metric) |
Overall Width (Metric)
8.5 cm, 10 cm |
Overall Length (Metric) |
Overall Length (Metric)
11.5 cm, 15.5 cm |
Category Name |
Category Name
Securement Dressings & Devices |
Dressing Type |
Dressing Type
Transparent Semipermiable Membrane (TSM) |
Overall Width (Imperial) |
Overall Width (Imperial)
3.35 in, 3.94 in |