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About the product
3M™ Incognito™ Appliance System features fully customized brackets, archwires and bonding trays to deliver predictable, efficient and aesthetic treatment.
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1-5 of 47 Products
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Product name and IDs | 3M ID | Category Name | Material | Slot Size (Imperial) | Slot Size (Metric) | Industries | Brand |
3M ID 7100155658 |
Category Name Brackets |
Material Gold |
Slot Size (Imperial) - |
Slot Size (Metric) - |
Industries Orthodontics |
Brand Incognito™ |
3M ID 7100155657 |
Category Name Brackets |
Material Gold |
Slot Size (Imperial) - |
Slot Size (Metric) - |
Industries Orthodontics |
Brand Incognito™ |
3M ID 7100155656 |
Category Name Brackets |
Material Gold |
Slot Size (Imperial) - |
Slot Size (Metric) - |
Industries Orthodontics |
Brand Incognito™ |
3M ID 7100155655 |
Category Name Brackets |
Material Gold |
Slot Size (Imperial) 0.018 inch |
Slot Size (Metric) 0.457 millimeter |
Industries Orthodontics |
Brand Incognito™ |
3M ID 7100155654 |
Category Name Brackets |
Material Gold |
Slot Size (Imperial) - |
Slot Size (Metric) - |
Industries Orthodontics |
Brand Incognito™ |
3M ID 7100155653 |
Category Name Brackets |
Material Gold |
Slot Size (Imperial) - |
Slot Size (Metric) - |
Industries Orthodontics |
Brand Incognito™ |
3M ID 7100155652 |
Category Name Brackets |
Material Gold |
Slot Size (Imperial) - |
Slot Size (Metric) - |
Industries Orthodontics |
Brand Incognito™ |
3M ID 7100155651 |
Category Name Brackets |
Material Gold |
Slot Size (Imperial) - |
Slot Size (Metric) - |
Industries Orthodontics |
Brand Incognito™ |
3M ID 7100155650 |
Category Name Brackets |
Material Gold |
Slot Size (Imperial) - |
Slot Size (Metric) - |
Industries Orthodontics |
Brand Incognito™ |
3M ID 7100155649 |
Category Name Brackets |
Material Gold |
Slot Size (Imperial) - |
Slot Size (Metric) - |
Industries Orthodontics |
Brand Incognito™ |
3M ID 7100155648 |
Category Name Brackets |
Material Gold |
Slot Size (Imperial) - |
Slot Size (Metric) - |
Industries Orthodontics |
Brand Incognito™ |
3M ID 7100155647 |
Category Name Brackets |
Material Gold |
Slot Size (Imperial) - |
Slot Size (Metric) - |
Industries Orthodontics |
Brand Incognito™ |
3M ID 7100155646 |
Category Name Brackets |
Material Stainless Steel |
Slot Size (Imperial) - |
Slot Size (Metric) - |
Industries Orthodontics |
Brand Incognito™ |
3M ID 7100155645 |
Category Name Brackets |
Material Stainless Steel |
Slot Size (Imperial) - |
Slot Size (Metric) - |
Industries Orthodontics |
Brand Incognito™ |
3M ID 7100155644 |
Category Name Brackets |
Material Stainless Steel |
Slot Size (Imperial) - |
Slot Size (Metric) - |
Industries Orthodontics |
Brand Incognito™ |
3M ID 7100155643 |
Category Name Brackets |
Material Stainless Steel |
Slot Size (Imperial) - |
Slot Size (Metric) - |
Industries Orthodontics |
Brand Incognito™ |
3M ID 7100155642 |
Category Name Brackets |
Material Stainless Steel |
Slot Size (Imperial) - |
Slot Size (Metric) - |
Industries Orthodontics |
Brand Incognito™ |
3M ID 7100155641 |
Category Name Brackets |
Material Stainless Steel |
Slot Size (Imperial) - |
Slot Size (Metric) - |
Industries Orthodontics |
Brand Incognito™ |
3M ID 7100155640 |
Category Name Brackets |
Material Stainless Steel |
Slot Size (Imperial) - |
Slot Size (Metric) - |
Industries Orthodontics |
Brand Incognito™ |
3M ID 7100155639 |
Category Name Brackets |
Material Stainless Steel |
Slot Size (Imperial) - |
Slot Size (Metric) - |
Industries Orthodontics |
Brand Incognito™ |
3M ID 7100155638 |
Category Name Brackets |
Material Gold |
Slot Size (Imperial) - |
Slot Size (Metric) - |
Industries Orthodontics |
Brand Incognito™ |
3M ID 7100155636 |
Category Name Brackets |
Material Gold |
Slot Size (Imperial) 0.022 inch |
Slot Size (Metric) 0.559 millimeter |
Industries Orthodontics |
Brand Incognito™ |
3M ID 7100155634 |
Category Name Brackets |
Material Gold |
Slot Size (Imperial) - |
Slot Size (Metric) - |
Industries Orthodontics |
Brand Incognito™ |
3M ID 7100155633 |
Category Name Brackets |
Material Gold |
Slot Size (Imperial) - |
Slot Size (Metric) - |
Industries Orthodontics |
Brand Incognito™ |
3M ID 7100155632 |
Category Name Brackets |
Material Gold |
Slot Size (Imperial) - |
Slot Size (Metric) - |
Industries Orthodontics |
Brand Incognito™ |
3M ID 7100155628 |
Category Name Brackets |
Material Gold |
Slot Size (Imperial) - |
Slot Size (Metric) - |
Industries Orthodontics |
Brand Incognito™ |
3M ID 7100155627 |
Category Name Brackets |
Material Gold |
Slot Size (Imperial) - |
Slot Size (Metric) - |
Industries Orthodontics |
Brand Incognito™ |
3M ID 7100155626 |
Category Name Brackets |
Material Gold |
Slot Size (Imperial) - |
Slot Size (Metric) - |
Industries Orthodontics |
Brand Incognito™ |
3M ID 7100155625 |
Category Name Brackets |
Material Gold |
Slot Size (Imperial) - |
Slot Size (Metric) - |
Industries Orthodontics |
Brand Incognito™ |
3M ID 7100155624 |
Category Name Brackets |
Material Gold |
Slot Size (Imperial) - |
Slot Size (Metric) - |
Industries Orthodontics |
Brand Incognito™ |
3M ID 7100155623 |
Category Name Brackets |
Material Gold |
Slot Size (Imperial) - |
Slot Size (Metric) - |
Industries Orthodontics |
Brand Incognito™ |
3M ID 7100155622 |
Category Name Brackets |
Material Gold |
Slot Size (Imperial) - |
Slot Size (Metric) - |
Industries Orthodontics |
Brand Incognito™ |
3M ID 7100155617 |
Category Name Brackets |
Material Gold |
Slot Size (Imperial) - |
Slot Size (Metric) - |
Industries Orthodontics |
Brand Incognito™ |
3M ID 7100155616 |
Category Name Brackets |
Material Gold |
Slot Size (Imperial) - |
Slot Size (Metric) - |
Industries Orthodontics |
Brand Incognito™ |
3M ID 7100155615 |
Category Name Brackets |
Material Gold |
Slot Size (Imperial) - |
Slot Size (Metric) - |
Industries Orthodontics |
Brand Incognito™ |
3M ID 7100155614 |
Category Name Brackets |
Material Gold |
Slot Size (Imperial) - |
Slot Size (Metric) - |
Industries Orthodontics |
Brand Incognito™ |
3M ID 7100155613 |
Category Name Brackets |
Material Gold |
Slot Size (Imperial) - |
Slot Size (Metric) - |
Industries Orthodontics |
Brand Incognito™ |
3M ID 7100155612 |
Category Name Brackets |
Material Gold |
Slot Size (Imperial) - |
Slot Size (Metric) - |
Industries Orthodontics |
Brand Incognito™ |
3M ID 7100155611 |
Category Name Brackets |
Material Gold |
Slot Size (Imperial) - |
Slot Size (Metric) - |
Industries Orthodontics |
Brand Incognito™ |
3M ID 7100155610 |
Category Name Brackets |
Material Gold |
Slot Size (Imperial) - |
Slot Size (Metric) - |
Industries Orthodontics |
Brand Incognito™ |
3M ID 7100155609 |
Category Name Brackets |
Material Gold |
Slot Size (Imperial) - |
Slot Size (Metric) - |
Industries Orthodontics |
Brand Incognito™ |
3M ID 7100155608 |
Category Name Brackets |
Material Gold |
Slot Size (Imperial) - |
Slot Size (Metric) - |
Industries Orthodontics |
Brand Incognito™ |
3M ID 7100155607 |
Category Name Brackets |
Material Gold |
Slot Size (Imperial) - |
Slot Size (Metric) - |
Industries Orthodontics |
Brand Incognito™ |
3M ID 7100155606 |
Category Name Brackets |
Material Gold |
Slot Size (Imperial) - |
Slot Size (Metric) - |
Industries Orthodontics |
Brand Incognito™ |
3M ID 7100155605 |
Category Name Brackets |
Material Gold |
Slot Size (Imperial) - |
Slot Size (Metric) - |
Industries Orthodontics |
Brand Incognito™ |
3M ID 7100155604 |
Category Name Brackets |
Material Gold |
Slot Size (Imperial) - |
Slot Size (Metric) - |
Industries Orthodontics |
Brand Incognito™ |
3M ID 7010632127 |
Category Name Brackets |
Material Gold |
Slot Size (Imperial) - |
Slot Size (Metric) - |
Industries Orthodontics |
Brand Incognito™ |
Patient demand for invisible, convenient and comfortable orthodontic care continues to grow. At the same time, orthodontic practices worldwide continue to search for appliance systems that can deliver predictable, effective and efficient treatment results.
Finally, there is a solution: The Incognito™ Appliance System.
The Incognito System brings the option of lingual treatment to the next level. The customized brackets and robotically bent wires are engineered to work together to deliver the targeted result you define through a high-quality appliance system. Plus, with enhanced patient comfort due to the low profile customized brackets, you can feel confident in recommending the Incognito System to all of your patients.
Industries |
Orthodontics |
Brand |
Incognito™ |
Slot Size (Imperial) |
Slot Size (Imperial)
0.018 inch, 0.022 inch |
Category Name |
Category Name
Brackets |
Slot Size (Metric) |
Slot Size (Metric)
0.457 millimeter, 0.559 millimeter |
Material |
Gold, Stainless Steel |
1-12 of 8 Resources